DrolleryMedieval drollery of a knight on a horse
flowery border with man falling
flowery border with man falling

I want to integrate the Raindrop.io API into emacs so I can grab all my unsorted bookmarks, sort them in an orgfile, and then export those changes back up to Raindrop.io. But as a good first step I’d settle for just being able to import the them so I can use them in orgmode. Maybe even a sync system someday!

To start you need an account, then you have to add a new integration to your account and grab the test token. Then read up on their API docs.

With test token and docs in hand, it should be pretty simple to pull in some JSON and then hopefully convert that to something orgmode can handle. The API seems pretty straightforward. Once you have a token you can use that in your header and then make some calls.

Best as I can tell I want to GET multiple raindrops and the collection I’m interested in is the “unsorted” collection, which happens to have the ID of -1. That makes this a very simple retrieval process!

GET https://api.raindrop.io/rest/v1/raindrops/-1
Authorization: Bearer :token

Here is a truncated look at that return.

  "result": true,
  "items": [
      "_id": 635937337,
      "link": "https://snowcat.codeberg.page/",
      "title": "Snowcat Browser",
      "excerpt": "",
      "note": "",
      "type": "link",
      "user": {
        "$ref": "users",
        "$id": 1510247
      "cover": "https://rdl.ink/render/https%3A%2F%2Fsnowcat.codeberg.page%2F",
      "media": [
          "type": "image",
          "link": "https://rdl.ink/render/https%3A%2F%2Fsnowcat.codeberg.page%2F",
          "screenshot": true
      "tags": [],
      "important": false,
      "reminder": {
        "date": null
      "removed": false,
      "created": "2023-08-28T10:18:29.955Z",
      "lastUpdate": "2023-08-28T10:18:31.373Z",
      "collection": {
        "$ref": "collections",
        "$id": -1,
        "oid": -1
      "highlights": [],
      "domain": "snowcat.codeberg.page",
      "creatorRef": {
        "_id": 1510247,
        "name": "ispringle",
        "avatar": "",
        "email": ""
      "sort": 635937337,
      "collectionId": -1
  "count": 51,
  "collectionId": -1

The way I use Raindrop, my unsorted collection is my “inbox” and holds about a week’s worth of links. I’m hoping to integrate my weekly processing with a linklog so the above request is all I need from Raindrop. Now to get this into elisp and then munge some JSON into orgmode syntax.

Luckily it appears the first part is trivial! The two keys here are, I’m looking just for the raw data back, right now, and that means I need to wrap the call to request in this other function, request-response-data. Without this, the data comes back and then the function errors. Not entirely sure why, but I guess it expects a callback or something and when it doesn’t get it, it freaks out. The other thing, is the :sync t which lets this run synchronously. This is a pretty short-lived API call, we’re not returning an astounding amount of data or making numerous round-trips. So synchronous isn’t a big deal either way, but we actually need it here because without it this request function expects a call back and will make the call asynchronously and then hit the callback when it’s got the data. In my context, I’m not sure how that would even work since I’m trying to fill this data into an org file.

   :headers `(("Authorization" . ,(concat "Bearer " token)))
   :sync t
   :parser 'json-read))
: ((result . t) (items . [((_id . 635937337) (link . https://snowcat.codeberg.page/) (title . Snowcat Browser) (excerpt . ) (note . ) (type . link) (user ($ref . users) ($id . 1510247)) (cover . https://rdl.ink/render/https%3A%2F%2Fsnowcat.codeberg.page%2F) (media . [((type . image) (link . https://rdl.ink/render/https%3A%2F%2Fsnowcat.codeberg.page%2F) (screenshot . t))]) (tags . []) (important . :json-false) (reminder (date)) (removed . :json-false) (created . 2023-08-28T10:18:29.955Z) (lastUpdate . 2023-08-28T10:18:31.373Z) (collection ($ref . collections) ($id . -1) (oid . -1)) (highlights . []) (domain . snowcat.codeberg.page) (creatorRef (_id . 1510247) (name . ispringle) (avatar . ) (email . )) (sort . 635937337) (collectionId . -1)) ...]) (count . 51) (collectionId . -1))

That looks hideous and unreadable to me, but in theory elisp knows what that says! Now just to get the data I want, which I think for the linklog is the created timestamp, the title, and the link. With that I can just make a simple list of URLs with a date for some (maybe) context and then if I want to include any notes about the link or what I liked or why I bookmarked it I can.

The 50,000ft view of what I need to do is iterate over the items array and for each item in it, pull out the date, title, and link. Should be pretty simple, especially since there isn’t really any deep nesting of those values.

The first step is to get the 'items out which is simple enough now that we have lisp data to work with. assoc-default will grab the KEY from an alist for you. Then it’s a matter of going through each hashmap in the 'items array and grabbing our three desired keys.

(setq resp (request-response-data
              :headers `(("Authorization" . ,(concat "Bearer " token)))
              :sync t
              :parser 'json-read)))
(setq bookmarks (assoc-default 'items resp))
(setq values (mapcar #'(lambda (b)
                         (let ((title (assoc-default 'title b))
                                (link (assoc-default 'link b))
                                (date (assoc-default 'created b)))
                           (list title link date))) bookmarks))

This almost gets us all the way there, but the output is a bit unwieldy, let’s format the link and title into an Org link. Not the string-replace, because the pipe char (|) has special meaning in org syntax, so we use the escaped version of that char, \vert. This wouldn’t be needed but the pipe char is pretty common in website titles, I even use it in my own!

(setq resp (request-response-data
              :headers `(("Authorization" . ,(concat "Bearer " token)))
              :sync t
              :parser 'json-read)))
(setq bookmarks (assoc-default 'items resp))
(setq values (mapcar #'(lambda (b)
                         (let ((title (assoc-default 'title b))
                                (link (assoc-default 'link b))
                                (date (assoc-default 'created b)))
                           (list date (format "[[%s][%s]]" link (string-replace "|" "\\vert" title))))) bookmarks))

Which yields:

2023-08-28T10:18:29.955ZSnowcat Browser
2023-08-28T10:14:48.883ZNyxt browser: The hacker’s browser
2023-08-28T01:02:50.648ZOtter Browser
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Now we have a nice table, which works I guess, but isn’t exactly what I had in mind. I also could not figure out how to get that ISO-8601 timestamp string to nicely convert to something passable as an orgmode timestamp. I tried a using the built-in parse-time-string which worked well at getting an emacs time object, but then getting that object into an Orgmode timestamp did not work. There is the org-timestamp-from-time function which promises to convert an emacs time object to an orgmode time object, but then getting an orgmode time object to a string became impossible. There was also the org-insert-timestamp which promised to take the orgmode time object and make a string of it, but all it did was cover the buffer in incorrect timestamps.

For the time being I’m going to just leave it as the ISO-8601 string. In fact, I’m going to leave this function where it is, because I have a linklog post to go write! I’ll get this wrapped up in another post, where I take this data and finally get an orgmode list out of it and add it into my config as a simple function to insert that list at-point.