This is just an example of some code blocks for testing rehype prism.
This is the time parser I use for Planwarrior. As you can see on lines 1-3 I have a timestr function which takes a string representation of time (`4:03`) and then determines how many minutes that is since midnight:
def time_str(s):
h, m = [int(x) for x in s.split(':')]
return h * 60 + m
def plan(plan):
return {
time_str((y := x.strip().split(' '))[0]): ' '.join(y[1:])
for x in plan.strip().splitlines()
Here are some utility functions I am using for the Planwarrior project:
def peek_and_lookback(cur):
prv = [None] + cur[:-1]
nxt = cur[1:] + [None]
return zip(prv, cur, nxt)
def peek(x):
p = x[1:]
return zip(x, p)
def wrap_ansi(s, code='green'):
c = {
'bold': ['\033[1m', '\033[00m'],
'italic': ['\033[3m', '\033[00m'],
'underline': ['\033[4m', '\033[00m'],
'strike': ['\033[9m', '\033[00m'],
'green': ['\033[0;32m', '\033[00m'],
d = 'green'
return f"{c.get(code, d)[0]}{s}{c.get(code, d)[1]}"
def pad_maybe(i):
return str(i) if len(str(i)) > 1 else f"0{i}"